August 8, 2018 (last updated on August 9th, 2018)
The manticore is another classic monster from days of yore. As with the chimera, I have converted the manticore from the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Bestiary (pg. 199) to the Starfinder Roleplaying Game.
This monster bears the snarling visage of a humanoid, but its body is leonine in form. Wings like those of a wyvern sprout from its back. It has a tail like a porcupine, loaded with spikes often longer than a foot.
XP 1,600
CE Large magical beast
Init +2; Senses darkvision 60 ft., low-light vision; Perception +16
HP 70
EAC 17; KAC 19
Fort +9; Ref +9; Will +4
Speed 30 ft., fly 60 ft. (average)
Melee bite +15 (1d6+10 P), or claw +15 (1d6+10 S)
Multiattack bite +9 (1d6+10 P), 2 claws +9 (1d6+10 S)
Ranged spikes +12 (1d8+5 P)
Ranged Multiattack 4 spikes +6 (1d8+5 P)
Space 10 ft.; Reach 10 ft.
Str +5; Dex +2; Con +3; Int -2; Wis +1; Cha -1
Skills Perception +16, Survival +11
Languages Common
Environment warm hills and marshes
Organization solitary, pair, or pride (3-6)
Manticores are far-ranging hunters whose desire for fresh meat, particularly that of humans, is seemingly insatiable. Most manticores are around 10 feet in length, and many weigh upwards of 1000 pounds. They exhibit little sexual dimorphism, though the human-looking faces of the males are sometimes bearded.
Legends about the manticore's origins suggest that it was some sort of magical experiment, but populations of manticores have been living in the wilds of many planets for centuries. Their tendency to often ally with or bully other evil creatures, often humanoids, is likely the explanation for their migration to the stars. Interestingly, manticores are able to produce viable offspring with most creatures with leonine features, including lions, lamias, sphinxes, and chimeras.