XP 12,800
CE Large magical beast
Init +0; Senses darkvision 60 ft., low-light vision., Perception +25
HP 180
EAC 24; KAC 26
Fort +15; Ref +15; Will +10
Speed 30 ft., fly 60 ft. (average)
Melee bite +24 (4d6+19 B)
Multiattack 2 bites +20 (2d8+19 P), gore +20 (2d8+19 B), or 2 bites +18 (2d6+19 P) , gore +18 (2d6+19 B), 2 claws +18 (2d6+19)
Ranged IMDS missile launcher +21 (explode 6d8+11 B & P, 30 ft.), or medium machine gun +21 (3d10+11 P)
Space 10 ft.; Reach 10 ft.
Offensive abilities breath weapon (12d6 A, DC 18 Reflex halves, 1d4 rounds, see below)
Str +8; Dex +0; Con +5; Int -2; Wis +3; Cha +0
Skills Perception +25
Languages Draconic
Other abilities unflankable, three-headed
Gear IMDS missile launcher with tactical missile (cannot be disarmed), medium machine gun (cannot be disarmed), targeting computer, white force field
Environment any
Organization solitary
Breath Weapon (su) A mecha-chimera's breath weapon depends on the color of its dragon head, as summarized on the table above. Regardless of its type, a mecha-chimera's breath weapon is usable once every 1d4 rounds, deals 12d6 points of damage, and allows a DC 18 Reflex save for half damage.
Chimeras are dangerous and aggressive hybrids, magical beasts whose origins remain unknown. Their ability to fly and their natural cunning make them keen hunters, and their breath weapon makes them a serious threat to groups of adventurers, or even small armies. Most chimeras are 4 to 6 feet tall at the shoulder, with their three heads extending that reach substantially. They are 9 to 11 feet in length, and weigh between 600 and 800 pounds. Their size is typically tied to the color of their dragon head, with red dragon chimeras representing the largest specimens and white dragon chimeras representing the smallest.
Chimeras have spread to most worlds which still retain some semblance of a wilderness. They prefer hilly terrain where they can find caves to make their lairs. On Castrovel, feral, barbaric chimeras can be found roaming or flying over the jungles seeking unwary prey, while in the Drakelands of Triaxus many chimeras serve as mid-level enforcers, thugs, and killers for the various corporations headed by evil, chromatic dragon CEOs in that region. In any case, it requires a creature of great power to control a chimera, as they are generally stupid, unhelpful, and disloyal. They disdain space travel, but nonetheless are often transported to other planets by their overlords for nefarious purposes of many kinds.
Chimeras prefer to eat meat, but are selectively omnivorous if their favored diet, terrified humanoids, is unavailable. Their ability to fly enables them to typically have their choice of food sources. They are often solitary, but when in a group, their society functions similarly to a pride of lions, where the group is led by a patriarch, but where the females do most of the work.
Rumors suggest that various factions, ranging from the drow to the Azlanti Star Empire, have performed cybernetic enhancements on certain chimeras, making cyborg horrors called mecha-chimeras. These chimeras are even more dangerous than their wholly biological cousins, and often possess a variety of technological weapons that supplement their up-close ferocity with the ability to bring the pain from long range with lasers or missiles. Their wings, and often one or more of their heads are cybernetic, but the dragon head is typically left intact to allow the mecha-chimera to still use its breath weapon. They are often equipped with built-in targeting computers, which allow them to ignore anything less than total concealment, and force fields that supplement their already substantial reservoir of health.
This creature has three heads, either naturally or due to magical or cybernetic experimentation.
Traits: Perception is a master skill; unflankable; if the creature has bite or gore attacks, it can make three such attacks (and no other attacks) as a full action with a -4 penalty to each attack roll.