Starfinder compatible creatures which are either my conversions or original creatures are listed on this page in white, sorted by challenge rating.
For convenience, creatures from official Paizo sources are also listed here in red, and the link for those goes to the Starjammer SRD.
Additionally, some creatures from Third Party Sources are including in this list in yellow.
See the alphabetical listing of monsters for the sources for Paizo and third-party published material.
CR 12: AHAV, asteray, frujal soldier, steam tardigrade
CR 13: necrovite, nihili captain
CR 14: deh-nolu, glass tardigrade
CR 15: bryrvath
CR 16: oma
CR 17: glimmer tardigrade, hallajin, undead tardigrade
CR 25: ribbon dragon, void traveler
Starship Monsters
T7: void traveler
T8: novaspawn