August 21st, 2018
I'm intending to do another evil outsider today, a rather lengthy and involved process, so I decided to warm up by converting a relatively straightforward monster, which is nonetheless potentially useful for Starfinder play since it could so easily be re-skinned as any sort of great cat you'd like, real or science fiction.
This massive cat slinks through the tall grass, baring its huge teeth slightly, perfectly camouflaged by its orange fur and long black stripes as it moves.
XP 1200
N large animal
Init +1; Senses low-light vision; Perception +10
HP 50
EAC 16; KAC 14
Fort +8; Ref +8; Will +3
Speed 40 ft.
Melee claw +12 (1d6+9 S plus grab)
Multiattack bite +6 (1d6+9 S), 2 claws (1d6+9 S plus grab)
Str +5; Dex +1; Con +3; Int -4; Wis +1; Cha -2
Skills Athletics +15, Stealth +10
Environment urban, any forest
Organization solitary or pair
Tigers were one of the most recognizable species of big cats on Golarion, with their distinct stripes and coloration making them one of the animals most frequently depicted in art. It is unknown whether populations of Golarian tigers exist in the wild anywhere in the wide universe, some are certainly kept in zoos or menageries, or used as luxury bodyguards by certain wealthy CEOs, tech-moguls, and even space pirates. Their DNA was cataloged sometime before Golarion's disappearance, and they are thus often genetically engineered for the aforementioned purposes.
Analogues to this creature exist on many other worlds, though often alien tigers only share some of the basic characteristics and are usually simply cases of convergent evolution. These cats vary wildly in appearance, size, and habitat, but most are solitary but social predators, upwards of 3 feet tall at the shoulder and anywhere from 6 to 12 feet long (with a tail taking up around 2 to 4 feet of that length), with males often being twice the size of females. Their weight can vary from 150 to as many as 1000 pounds.
Tigers typically hunt in huge territories, and aggressively defend their ranges from all comers, including bears, large reptiles, packs of wolves, other large cats, and even sometimes humans. Man-eating tigers, and even those who seem to develop a taste for humanoid flesh, are rare, but not unknown. Tigers are excellent climbers and swimmers, and prefer habitats near sources of water and cover where they can take advantage of their natural skill as ambush predators. They have powerful jaws with massive teeth, and huge paws tipped in sharp claws.